
This is my awsome blog.. My name is Kimmy and when I grow up I want to be a Graphic Desginer.. which is partly the reason im studinying it at Chales Sturt Uni. hehe Im going to be posting all sorts of stuff soo have a looksy.

Sunday, June 7, 2009


the article about technorati on wikipedia says it is a search engine for blogs - but is it more than that?
Yes it more than that. Technorati is awesome for searching for blogs and going through blogs to find relevence but it works as a place that will also store media clips.

how is it different from google?
Google mainly source their own links. technorati uses people that add there blogs and technorati will then go through and use the links in your blog to find relevence.

what is your technorati rank? what is your authority?
My technorati rank is 4,814,527 And I am yet to recive any authority. You can gain athurority by adding links into your blog entries. The more links you have the better.

what do these numbers mean?
Your rank is the position of your blogs compared to other blogs. your autority is the amount of links that you have within your blog entires.


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