
This is my awsome blog.. My name is Kimmy and when I grow up I want to be a Graphic Desginer.. which is partly the reason im studinying it at Chales Sturt Uni. hehe Im going to be posting all sorts of stuff soo have a looksy.

Sunday, June 7, 2009


Why positives are there with FTP?
it allows 2 computers to connect to another so they can add documents onto a compter. This is a positive as then instead of using your computer as a server, you are using someone elses.

What are some of the negatives/ risks?
There are certain programs that can acess the information that you are sending. while the information is being sent. The program is able to read what is being said so they can use it too their liking. Its a security Risk

How can these risks be minimised?
There are certain things that can be done to the information before its sent. For examle the information can be encrypted.


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