
This is my awsome blog.. My name is Kimmy and when I grow up I want to be a Graphic Desginer.. which is partly the reason im studinying it at Chales Sturt Uni. hehe Im going to be posting all sorts of stuff soo have a looksy.

Sunday, June 7, 2009


I used iWeb for the first time. I think its a little debatable on how good it really is. This is what I will be disucssing in this post.

I think that the Program is awesome becuase it sets the layout up for the website. Previous experiences with html, I really struggled with the layout. This is definitly one of the pluses.

Im also a Visual Person and I liked visually creating the website instead of creating a webpage using tags.

iWeb is a very restrictive program. iWeb uses templates with specific colours, i couldnt find a way to change any of these colours. Its really hard to personalise a webpage with these restrictions.

I think using the HTML snippit was really useful and easy.

I was a little annoyed using iWeb that I wasnt able to ceate a link using an image. I always use a link using an image, even if it is only to link the header with the main page.

Lastley, The links go across the page instead of an upright list. This is quite limiting as there is a bit of resriction on how many pages it is possible to have.


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