
This is my awsome blog.. My name is Kimmy and when I grow up I want to be a Graphic Desginer.. which is partly the reason im studinying it at Chales Sturt Uni. hehe Im going to be posting all sorts of stuff soo have a looksy.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

MPI104 Overveiw

This is my final blog entry for MPI104, Its an overveiw of what i have learnt in the 6 mths that i have been doing this subjects for.

Have i learned Much?
of course i have learned lots of differnt things. at the time you think they wont be relevent but this subjects really gives you an overveiw of the internet and the services that are avaliable to us to use. Sometimes they are filled with ads but we learn to deal. Its amazing how fast the internet has became apart of our life and this really shows us how we can embrace this.

Im really interested in learning about the web and after I have finished uni i would like to get into web desgin because I really quite enjoy it. My favorite thing was of corse buidling the web pages but sometimes found the programs a little resrictive.

I use facebook alot and i thought it was awesome! and it is but there are other websites that can do the things soo much better. They may not be able to do everything facebook can but they certinly try.

I liked using Flickr I like uploading picture to share. Not many people know i have a flickr account and this is a major flaw to the plan. I disliked it to because you didnt have an update of who was uploading but then Learning about feeds I found this was an awesome tool and along with flikr im going to be using rss feeds. Now I need to find some awesome feeds.

Ftp was interesting as I have always wanted to upload a webage but have never had the knowledge on how. Now i do.

As annoying as the blog is I think it was fun aswell as we all had a little bit of space to write in. im not a fan of blogging as I dont know what to write about but I have found that once u get started its more easier.

Delicious,i never got into it much but I think it is a cool idea! I dont really have that many websites that I have favored. But if I had alot of them or used many differnt computers often I could see the usefullness. One thing i really disliked was that everyone could see what you favored. i dont know exaclty why this bothers me. it just does.

Thankyou for the oppertunity to learn
Im Out... Will i get an extra mark if i say you were an awesome Teacher!

mmmm Fruit Tingles

Fruit Tingles Rock!


the article about technorati on wikipedia says it is a search engine for blogs - but is it more than that?
Yes it more than that. Technorati is awesome for searching for blogs and going through blogs to find relevence but it works as a place that will also store media clips.

how is it different from google?
Google mainly source their own links. technorati uses people that add there blogs and technorati will then go through and use the links in your blog to find relevence.

what is your technorati rank? what is your authority?
My technorati rank is 4,814,527 And I am yet to recive any authority. You can gain athurority by adding links into your blog entries. The more links you have the better.

what do these numbers mean?
Your rank is the position of your blogs compared to other blogs. your autority is the amount of links that you have within your blog entires.


Here is a video that was really helpful learning about RSS

What is RSS?
rss are a feed showing information that is added by blog users or news sites. For a user to recive these updates they need to subscribe to the blog or news feed.

What is it used for?
To be able to allow the user to get quick acess to differnt news and blog post eaisly.

How does Google Reader work?
google reader works as a homepage for all your differnt feeds that you subscribe to. its private and you can follow many differnt blogs and news feeds efficently.


What are counters?
Counters are a number on a webpage that shows the amount of times that the designated webage has been opened.

Why would you use them?
To keep track of how many people actully see the webpage. You can veiw your stats so you can see the rise and the fall of your weiws. also the veiwer can see how many views you have. For exapmle a company may be looking to advertise something, they would look for how much traffic the webpage gets because that will givve them an idea of how many people will see their advertisment.

What are some other Web analysis tools?
I found this website that has other web analysis tools that one could use. You should check it out!
Or you can follow these links


I used iWeb for the first time. I think its a little debatable on how good it really is. This is what I will be disucssing in this post.

I think that the Program is awesome becuase it sets the layout up for the website. Previous experiences with html, I really struggled with the layout. This is definitly one of the pluses.

Im also a Visual Person and I liked visually creating the website instead of creating a webpage using tags.

iWeb is a very restrictive program. iWeb uses templates with specific colours, i couldnt find a way to change any of these colours. Its really hard to personalise a webpage with these restrictions.

I think using the HTML snippit was really useful and easy.

I was a little annoyed using iWeb that I wasnt able to ceate a link using an image. I always use a link using an image, even if it is only to link the header with the main page.

Lastley, The links go across the page instead of an upright list. This is quite limiting as there is a bit of resriction on how many pages it is possible to have.


Why positives are there with FTP?
it allows 2 computers to connect to another so they can add documents onto a compter. This is a positive as then instead of using your computer as a server, you are using someone elses.

What are some of the negatives/ risks?
There are certain programs that can acess the information that you are sending. while the information is being sent. The program is able to read what is being said so they can use it too their liking. Its a security Risk

How can these risks be minimised?
There are certain things that can be done to the information before its sent. For examle the information can be encrypted.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Will Someone follow me?

Not in the stalkerish way, but I realised the one follower I have was myself. Thats kinda depressing :S

Something Coolish.. Maybe

So i may or may not be trying to avoid doing assignments, but then I thought, wait I am doing an assignment. anyhoo, I have recently realised my nerdy tendancies and I find this funny

New Layout!.... Again

Ok New Assesment calls for a cooler Template, So i went to the effort and scoured many webpages looking for a simple template that would suit my new totally awesome theme.

When looking for things for my Webages I was looking at some old assignments and found this image that I did in photography and thought it was perfect for the theme I wanted to create. Ive also used this image as my Website header as I really like it and i wanted it to act as a logo.

Banana Milkshake

I have a Banana Milk Shake *sticks tougnge out* nar nar nar nar nar

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